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Cream-Braised Fennel

From Tally: This is from the food blog Orangette, although she uses cabbage. Let me just say, “Wow!” with the fennel!

[Note: this is a test entry — all the details are here, but the ingredients aren’t listed quite in order.]

Source: Orangette (Entered by Peg Duthie)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: fennel, butter, salt, cream, lemon, water, oil
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Fennel and Cucumber Salad

From Peg: I worked at Turnbull Creek Farm last Thursday. The fennel is looking (and tasting) fantastic right now!

Vegetarian! Vegan!
Source: Fresh Harvest (Entered by Peg Duthie)
Servings: 4
Ingredient keywords: fennel, cucumbers, sugar, salt, pepper, vinegar, oil, dill
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