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Synergy Carrots

From Tally and John: “All these ingredients make for an absolutely delicious roasted carrot dish!”

Source: Fresh Harvest (Entered by Peg Duthie)
Servings: ?
Ingredient keywords: carrots, oil, walnuts, honey, salt, butter, rosemary
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Toasted Kale & Coconut Salad with Sesame Oil

From Tally and John: “This is a very easy and delicious way to eat a bunch of kale!”

Source: Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson (Entered by Peg Duthie)
Servings: 6
Ingredient keywords: oil, oil, soy-sauce, kale, coconut, grains
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Vegetable Potpourri Lettuce Wraps

From Tally and John: “Using butterhead lettuce as a substitute for tortillas or bread is a great summery thing to do. There are lots of great options – egg salad, peanut noodles, beans and cheese, meats or tofu – use your imagination!”

Source: Fresh Harvest (Entered by Peg Duthie)
Servings: varies
Ingredient keywords: vegetables, lettuce, lime, sauce, noodles
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