The Weblog
This page contains news of the farms and ordering information. If you have signed up for an Account with with us, you will receive this page each week as an email on Sunday evenings.
Fresh Harvest Reminder! Get your Blueberries and Lots of Veggies Left!
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Tallahassee May
John Drury
Tally 931-623-0631
John 615-838-0428
Market News
There are lots of good veggies to be had still on the Market – and some organic Blueberries! There may be more available at pick up, so if you miss out before the Market closes please let us know and we will try to get you some!
And don’t forget a sunny bunch of Sunflowers for your table or a friends!
And don’t forget our other wonderful vendors- good bread, delicious cheese, healthy eggs, and the best in local meats!
If you haven’t ordered yet, you have until Tuesday evening to place your order!
Thanks for your support, and we will see you on Wednesday!
John and Tally