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Fresh Harvest for August 11th

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John Drury
John 615-838-0428

Market News

Is Thanksgiving week getting close? That’s my annual vacation time, but it seems so far away. Some family members think that it’s a good idea to take a summer vacation like normal people. They have slowly won me over, so maybe next year.

The potato harvest saga continues. There is a tendency among some farmers (not naming names) to get carried away with how many pounds of potatoes to plant each year. The potato seed catalog lists over 30 different varieties and they all sound fantastic. I only planted 5 different varieties this year, but ordered 50 lbs. per type, planting about 1500 feet of potatoes. It has been a productive year, but it does take time to harvest. The beauty of growing potatoes is that you don’t have to dig them up all at once. They continue to grow underground after the plant has died. As I recently complained to Anson: “When will we ever finish harvesting all of these potatoes? He responded: “You’re the one who ordered 250 lbs. of seed!” We’re about 2/3 done. The good news is that the Nashville Food Project can probably use the excess taters.

Bloomy Rind needs another week to get settled in their new location. They should have lots of goodies next week.

Dozen Bakery cookies and breads, eggs, granola, honey, and coffee are in abundance.

You have until Tuesday night to place your order.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!

If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.

